Mrs Anitha Rajarajan
Who Served as a President Of SI MADURAI from 2009- 2012.
“Founder President of SI Madurai “
From the president
It is indeed heartening to see SI Madurai complete three years and to look back on all the achievements that have come our way. I have always believed that a proper channelization of a collective force of women can work wonders for society. I would like to thank each and everyone of my members for your commitments and support. ’’Unity is strength’’- Every activity of SI Madurai has been the show of collective strength and solidarity of our members. As the saying goes, ’’Many hands make light work’’, therefore partnership working would seem the obvious answer to enhancing our effectiveness as soroptimists. Soroptimism is not just about fund raising, but about giving time and service which in busy lives is sometimes a challenge to offer, Enjoying each other’s company and social activities is also part of being a soroptimist.
The three years that I was president has been a very enlightening and purposeful journey. Personally, this position has enabled me to interact, learn, and serve a higher cause for which I am truly grateful. I am happy for this opportunity to meet and work with so many empowered women from various professions and to have been able to touch the lives of women and children through the projects, I have been involved in. I have seen SI Madurai grow from conception to a fully evolved organization with great potential for growth and development. It is truly my personal desire that SI Madurai must grow from strength to strength and evolve into a dynamic organization managed by strong and committed women of substance.